Intentional Goal Setting – Let’s Make A Vision Board

Hey Guys!

Season’s greetings. It’s almost the new year and what better way to start planning for the future than now? As you can see from the title above, we’ll be talking about goal setting and making a vision board. Even though the period going into a new year is popular for creating vision boards, this can be done at any time throughout the year. In previous years I created a digital version of a vision board, but this time I wanted to indulge in the feeling of creating a physical board. Let’s get into it!

What is Intentional Goal Setting?

The word INTENTION means something that you want and plan to do, an aim. Therefore, intentional goal setting simply means making SMART goals and not wishful thinking. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-based.

How can you set intentional goals with a Vision Board?

There are three main tools in which the foundation of a vision board is built on:

  1. The power of CHOICE
  2. The power of VISUALIZATION
  3. The power of CONSISTENCY

Your SMART goals and the power of choice comes into play when you first decide on designing a vision board. You will need to set time aside and actively decide what it is you want to achieve. There is also the option of having several different boards to match a particular theme in your life (Home vs Career).

For example:

  • What are your values
  • Career goals
  • Family life
  • Love life
  • Travel
  • Health & wellness
  • Passions/hobbies

After narrowing down your goals, you’ll then look for images that speak to you. I’m aiming to go self-hosted next year and there was a particular theme layout I saw online and fell in love with right away. It’s now on my vision board.

Next up is the visualization process. It’s not called a VISION board for no reason. When you’re writing out your goals, and searching for images to match make sure you’re visualizing achieving the goal as well. By visualizing your goals you’re sending a message out to the universe.

How will it make you feel? Don’t think about the “what ifs” during this time. One of my biggest goals for 2019 is going to Thailand. I’m not sure of all the details yet but I know it’s going to happen and it’ll be great.

A lot of people think manifestation, affirmations and speaking things into existence is a world of crap but I honestly believe everything is all connected. The universe is working in our favor but we need to also put in the work.

A quote from The Alchemist has stood out to me ever since reading the book: “when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

The Law of Attraction dictates that whatever can be imagined and held in the mind’s eye is achievable if you take action on a plan to get to where you want to be.

Last but certainly not the least, the power of CONSISTENCY. Now that you have a visual representation of your goals you need to hang the board in a place where you’ll see it everyday. By looking at it everyday you’re reminded of the work you need to do in order to achieve these goals. Even if it’s once a week, sit with your board and ensure that your action plan to achieving these goals are on track.

You’d hear a lot in everything that you do, consistency is key. No-one achieves anything overnight, we get better by doing and forming habits. Make visualizing your board and manifesting your dreams a habit.

Happy vision board making! Hope everyone has an awesome 2019.

41 responses to “Intentional Goal Setting – Let’s Make A Vision Board”

  1. i was going to say I was so behind in this and doing goals but then I realized its not to late to start over or start something new. Thanks this may have given me motivation to work out what I want and need this weekend.


  2. Excellent article👌
    I liked how you connected everything together and went deep into the post.
    I am also having a physical one this year😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I like how this point went deeper into the topic of vision boards. The questions to ask yourself were really good. I made a digital one this year, but I think I’ll try making a physical one in the future. I have to remind myself to look at my digital board, but with a physical one, I’ll be forced to look at it!


  4. Love love love your post! I’ll be making a digital vision board this year, but I will absolutely miss the feels while touching the physical items to place on an actual board. Cheers to the new year! Wishing you achievement and harvest in 2019.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is a great post. I’m really looking into vision boarding for 2019 so this is a pretty good guideline. I think I’ll start with a digital vision board first so I’m heading to that post now. But when I’m ready to step into the physical realm, I’ll definitely pop back by. Thanks much.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is perfect timing for the new year as people start to set new goals. I have never done a vision board per se, but I do like being able to write down my goals and the path I plan on taking to pursue them. I’ll definitely be adding in some of these tips in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m all about this especially while I’m staying home with my baby boy. Now’s my time to make sure my Honeycomb Moms blog thrives. I may not have all the answers, but I definitely have a game plan. And I’m not afraid to keep taking risks to move forward.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This is an amazing post! Over the weekend, my best friends and I did our annual vision boards and creates SMART goals to actualize them. I have all the vision boards I made over the year on my wall in my room. My theme for the new year is discipline and everything revolves around that. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I love this post. I was huge on making vision boards because I’m more of a visual person and it motivated me to achieve a goal whether big or small. After not accomplishing much from my board this year I got discouraged. But I started working on one last week, let’s hope I finish it. Thanks for this post!

    Liked by 1 person

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